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Ad Lib

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   ADlib is a 3D animation short film that makes a powerful statement in defense of the LGBT+ community and the freedom of sexual and emotional choice, always through the media of dancing as a metaphor for sex and romance. The film takes place in a huge dance club - which represents the concept of sexuality itself. In there, the dancers must follow very strict rules regarding their dance partners. Our story follows E, a girl who does not agree with this imposed decision, and will have to fight for her right to dance and love, freely in whichever company.

   This project was developed between May 2017 and July 2018, during Senior year at Digipen Institute of Technology.

Check the project website.


Ad Lib was been recognized at different festivals. 

  • Official Selection Athens Animfest, Greece, Student category 2019

  • Official Selection Living Skies Student Film Festival (Saskatchewan-Canada)  Category: Animation Shorts 

  • Official Selection L-DUB Film Festival  (Florida)  Category: Student Filmmakers

  • Official Selection FilmOut San Diego LGBTQ ShortFest, category: Animation Short, 2019

  • Special Mention. Official Section Animakom Fest, Student category 2019

  • Official Selection Animex 2019 Student category

  • Official Selection Florida Animation Festival, 2019

  • Official Selection LGTBQ Short Film Festival (Montana) Category: LGBTQ Short Film

  • Official Selection  Miami 4 Social Change Youth film Festival, Category: Short Film

  • Official Selection Seattle Tansmedia & Independent Film Festival, Category. Animated Short Film

  • Winner, LA LGBT Los Angeles Film Festival, Best Music, 2019

  • Special Mention, 24º Festival Internacional de Cine LGBTIQ de Madrid

  • Official Selection, San Antonio QFest LGBT International Film Festival, Best Drama Short

  • Winner, Palm Springs International Animation Festival (PSIAF), Category LGBTQ Animated Short

  • Official Selection, 17º edición de Zinegoak. Festival de Cine y Artes Escénicas LGBTI de Bilbao

My role 

   I was the producer of this project, creating and managing pipelines, due dates and production. I was the communication link between teachers and the team, as well as the actors and the musician. I designed and administrated the project's web page, gathering all the material and polishing it for displaying it. On top of that, I designed, modeled and textured the background. I animated some scenes and the background. Finally, I post produced and final edited the sort film.

The team



From left to right

Irene Velasco, myself, Beñat Etxaburu, Leire Acha, Arantzazu Martinez, Cris Vaquero and Eurie Cierbide.

My experience

   This project was very challenging since the beginning, we tried to develop an unusual aesthetic, which we were not sure how to create technically, so a at the start we had to do a lot of research. The story is deep, we wanted to make the audience feel something and spread a message. Besides, we decided to make everything though dance, in a crowded disco. On top of that, we had to work on the game project at the same time. At time, the project seemed un-finishable, but after hard work, putting extra time on this project and giving our best, we were able to finish it on time.

   Ad Lib gave me many headaches, and since I was the producer, I had to pretend to be positive and make the team reunited and working forward as one. The most difficult part was to deal with frustration of having the feeling of going too slow, and having the deadline closer as weeks passed by. Even so, we conquer all the technical problems and remain united. The team is really good to work with, we talked our problems and try to solve them all together. I think that we achieved our goal thanks to that, and more than just my colleges, I consider them my friends.

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